The International Conservation Society
had a six month tour in Kalimantan, Borneo from July 2005 through January 2006. During this time we visited Beras Basah beach, Sungai Wain
protected forest, Several visits to the Samarinda Botanical Garden, and Pampang, a Dayak cultural preserve.
The International
Conservation Society recently worked in Borneo to take part in the critical endeavors
to preserve the rainforest. Borneo has some of the world’s last remaining orangutan
populations, and we are committed to preserving these and other species.
Our recent activities have included visits to the protected Sungai
Wain forest, Pantai Beras Basah (Wet Rice Beach),
The Pampang Dayak indigenous village, and Kebun Raya Samarinda (Botanical Garden).

Wain is a several thousand hectare tract of protected rainforest which has populations of important endangered and protected
species including crocodiles, proboscis monkeys, orangutansm, bears, etc.
Sungai Wain is one of the best run
forest preserves we have ever been privileged to visit. The guide was kind enough to show us around on short notice. The virgin
rainforest was immaculately preserved in stark contrast to the surrounding forest that has been all but obliterated by logging,
mining and transmigration settlement. It was dense, majestic and biodiverse. Here, as in few areas, conservation regulations
were strictly enforced. If the remainder of Borneo and Sumatera were so responsibly preserved the fate of the Orangutan and other Indonesian
rain forest flora and fauna would not hang in the balance. We heartily praised Sungai Wain for their efforts and gave a donation.
Well done, folks. We need more preserves and organizations like you in the world. For more information on this unique and
amazing preserve click on the banner below.

Pantai Beras
Basa is a protected beach island with a small reef, white sands and turquoise waters. We have been seeking to educate the
visitors regarding ecologically responsible recreational behavior.
Pantai Beras Basah- literally wet
rice beach, is a beautiful island off the coast of Bontang, Borneo’s famous equatorial city. It’s pristine state is well preserved by the
city of Bontang, as the water is still clear and unspoilt, the sand is still white and pure, and there are some minor atolls
surrounding the island that are relatively unperturbed. If there is any problem there it is overfishing, as specimens observed
during snorkeling were small and sparse. Though trash receptacles are conspicuous by their absence workers are remarkably
diligent in cleaning up after the guests. We made a donation to Beras Basah and commended the authorities on their efforts.

is a village of indigenous Dayak people. They put on regular cultural performances and make their artwork and traditional
garb available for sale there.
Pampang Dayak cultural preserve
was one of the more interesting encounters with indigenous people we have experienced. The area surrounding the traditional
long-house, however, is becoming increasingly modernized, with conventional houses, satellite dishes, etc. The dancers, however,
put on a remarkable show, proudly carrying on their traditions despite rapidly changing times. We presented a donation and
lauded their activities.
There are also grave dangers facing the Marine ecosystems in Borneo. Preservation of these ecosystems includes seeking to rebuild one of the last and
rapidly dwindling species of robber or coconut crabs off the coast of East Kalimantan.