Automobiles, factories and
farms are all guilty of contaminating the air we breathe. In many third world cities there are literally millions of automobiles
on the road at a given time, with little or no automotive emissions regulations. Buses belch black soot, and one cannot walk
around an urban area like Jakarta
or Manila without having one’s face covered by a grungy film.
Factories, as well, are among
the leading offenders. Often governments fail to legislate or enforce restrictions on factory emissions because the corporations
who run them provide the biggest bribes or campaign contributions.
continues because nobody calls them on it. Please, for heaven’s sake, let’s stand up and do something about it.
Let's DEMAND clean air conservation. We’ve been led to believe that they are bigger than we and we cannot stop
them, but that is simply not true. There is strength in numbers, and we overwhelmingly outnumber them if we will but unite
and stand firm in the cause of air conservation. It's time to say "no" to air pollution.